Custom permissions

Tailor your coreplus account and team access to perfectly suits your practice’s unique business needs. Configure exactly how and what each team member can view and manage, ensuring an optimal and secure operation of your practice.

Default permissions
Default permissions

Pre-defined roles

We’ve thought of it for you with our default user access permissions.

  • Supervisors on an account have access to absolutely everything, reserve this special user type for business owners and other management roles
  • Case Managers are health practitioners working for you who require a calendar for bookings
  • Admins are your front line team members and accounting partners managing bookings and billing for your clients.
Calendar sharing

Expand calendar operations

Give your team more options with the Calendar.

  • Share calendar access and editing permissions between users
  • Empower Case Managers to manage and edit their own schedules
  • Enable private appointments to hide appointment details from other users
Calendar sharing
Client access
Client access

Tailored practitioner access

Each practitioner (Case Manager) by default only has access to their own clients.

  • Enable bulk or single client record access between practitioners
  • Case notes are by default hidden from admin users
Feature access

Customised user permissions

Edit access more features and other areas of your account per user.

  • Enable or restrict specific reporting access (like financial!)
  • Further restrict or open client record features such as access to attachments, closed clients and more
  • Get more help by enabling system access to settings, add ons, templates and more to your team
feature access

Start your Free Trial Today.

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Designing customer-centric healthcare eXperiences - Diana Younan
Reimagining Heathcare
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